加入我們 2021.8.24
入會步驟 (Join Steps)


1. 下載會員申請表   申請表點此下載
2. 填妥後掃描寄至   taios.roc105@gmail.com    ​ 信件主旨:申請入會-XXX    (XXX為申請人姓名)
3. 收到回信後繳費,​繳費後請填寫表單(https://forms.gle/Kr6EoubN7bkhWeKh6)通知,秘書處確認後回信。
4. 歡迎您加入TAIOS!!

Step.1 Download the application form of memebership
Step.2 Fill out the form, then scan and send to us.  taios.roc105@gmail.com  Email subject:Applicant-XXX  (XXX is full name of the applicant)
Step.3 Receive reply and make the payment. After making payment, please inform us.
Step.4 Welcome to TAIOS!

會員費收費標準 ​Membership Fee
[Initiation Fee = IF , Annually Fee = AF , 10yrs Fee (all at once) = PF ]

個人會員(Individual Member)   入會費(IF) NT$ 1,000  +  常年會費(AF) NT$ 1,000  =  Total NT$ 2,000
永久會員(Permanent Member)   入會費(IF) NT$ 1,000  +  十年常年會費(一次繳清)(PF) NT$ 10,000  =  Total NT$ 11,000   
學生會員(Student Member)     入會費(IF) NT$ 500  +  常年會費(AF) NT$ 500  =  Total NT$ 1,000
團體會員(Corporate Member)     入會費(IF) NT$ 20,000  +  常年會費(AF) NT$ 20,000  =  Total NT$ 40,000
團體永久會員(Corporate Permanent  Member)     
入會費(IF) NT$ 20,000  +  十年常年會費(一次繳清)(PF) NT$ 200,000  =  Total NT$ 220,000